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Should I Do A Second Press With Direct To Film (DTF)?

Should I Do A Second Press With Direct To Film (DTF)?

The world of Direct to Film (DTF) printing is filled with complexities and nuances that can make or break the quality of a final product. Among these subtleties lies a question we often get from customers: "Should I use a second press on DTFs?" The answer, grounded in years of experience and best practices, is a resounding yes. At Armor Ink, we don't merely advocate for a second press; we consider it indispensable.

Why a Second Press?

While a first press certainly lays the foundation for a vibrant, durable print, it's the second press that completes the garment. Here's why:

1. Promotes Softness

The second press is vital in ensuring that the print melds seamlessly with the fabric, giving it a soft, natural feel. A single press often leaves the ink slightly elevated, making the print feel somewhat like an attached layer rather than part of the fabric itself. A second press helps to integrate the ink more thoroughly, ensuring that the final product is as comfortable to wear as it is visually appealing.

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2. Enhances Longevity

Though DTF prints are known for their durability, a second press takes this attribute to a whole new level. The additional heat and pressure ensure that the ink bonds more securely with the fibers, reducing the chances of peeling or cracking over time.

3. Improves Colorfastness

Color fading is an unfortunate and frustrating problem in DTF printing. A second press substantially increases colorfastness, making sure that the colors remain vibrant after many washes. This step helps lock in the ink, preserving the brilliance of the hues for the life of the garment.

4. Increases Stretchability

Nobody wants their print to distort when the fabric stretches. A second press contributes to the elasticity of the design, allowing it to flex in harmony with the fabric without causing breaks or deformations.

The Professional Consensus: Double-Press to Impress

In our experience, and the experience of other DTF professionals, we overwhelmingly favor a second press for the reasons outlined above. This common practice isn't merely a recommendation—it's based on the collective understanding that to achieve excellence, one must spend the proper amount of time creating the garment. 

If other brands recommend skipping this step, it is likely due to them being more focused on marketing ploys than creating a quality long lasting product for you and your customers.

How Armor Ink Goes the Extra Mile

At Armor Ink, we don't cut corners. While some brands might advocate for skipping the second press to save time or cut costs, and hey we will even admit it sounds great in marketing, but we understand the undeniable long-term value that the second press brings. Not only do we consistently implement a second press on all of our DTF products, but we also recommend all of our clients do so as well. 

In Conclusion: Second Press as a Standard, Not an Option

So, if you ever find yourself questioning the necessity of a second press, let us settle the debate: It's not just an optional step, but a gold standard for achieving the highest level of quality in DTF printing. By making a second press a consistent practice, you're not just enhancing your product; you're making a commitment to excellence.

Experience this standard for yourself and #DefendYourStyle with Armor Ink!

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